Safety and Security

Convocation - 16 & 17 May 2024

Convocation definitely adds an extra layer of chaos to campus parking! With everyone wanting to attend the ceremonies, finding a parking spot can become a real challenge. It's one of those times when arriving early can really pay off, or maybe even carpooling if possible.


To help with the parking congestion, we are asking all employees to please consider using alternative lots and avoiding ACC lot.


The Crowell Tower dirt lot and free lot are available as we try to encourage our guest to park at the AAC lot during the 16 & 17 May.


Thank you for your support and congratulations to all the faculty and staff who make the next 2 days truly a memorial experience for graduates and their families.


Campus Advisory: Share The Air


The Joint Occupation Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) is seeking your support and would remind the campus of Acadia University’s SHARE THE AIR policy.

Acadia University is a community that respects the importance of and takes responsibility for the quality of the air we breathe.  To  foster and  promote clean air in our  region,

Acadia has developed and implemented a Share The Air policy (

This policy is applicable to all those who live, study, work or visit on the Acadia campus.

Thank you for all your support!